Sunday, October 3, 2010

Quiz-Vision Competitions_______ QQ # 60.

Quiz-Vision Competitions::::::::::::::::::::::: QQ # 60.
Views: 1
Oct 04, 2010 2:04 am
Quiz-Vision Competitions::::::::::::::::::::::: QQ # 60.
Manohar Bhatia
Here is your new quiz__________
Opening Date:::: Monday,4th October,2010
Closing Date:::: Monday,18th October,2010(Noon.IST)
Solutions::::::: Monday, 18th October,2010.
376)The two accomplishments common to all mankind are walking and SULKING/TALKING.
377)To turn water into wine and what is common into what is holy, is indeed the glory of CHRIST/CHRISTIANITY.
378)It is just that very power of judging philosophically, but without SCIENTIFIC/PHILOSOPHICAL consciousness, which constitiues 'common sense'.
379)How seldom do we find a man, that has stirred-up some vast EMOTION/COMMOTION, who does not himself perish, swept-away in it!
380)The SPANISH/FRENCH.......... are peculiarly destitute of self-relaince in all public and communal matters.
381)How much DIFFICULT/EASIER it is to state tangible facts than to communicate impressions.
382)There are in general three ties by which NATIONS/STATES are held together, community of race, community of religion, community of interest.
383)It is remarkable that that the two consonants,which begin these sounds, 'ba', 'ma' are commutable LABIALS/NOUNS.
a)Of the 2 words in capitals, one is wrong,write down the word of the author.
b)Use your best knowledge,skill to solve.
c)Do consult your dictionaries.
d)Form groups for discussions.
e)To get the correct word, understand the truthfulness of the quotation.
Prize settings___
For all 8 quotes correct>>>>> "The Lost Symbol" By Dan Brown.The book will be sent to the winner by post.
Happy quizzing!
Manohar Bhatia.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Readers are requested to go through these great quotations of the authors of the by gone era.They can post their answers in this comment section with their e-mail address.Thanks.

    Manohar Bhatia.
